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Dr Jose Chameleone joins other big artists in support of King Saha for UMA presidency

Nakibuule Bonita

King Saha looks to be on the right path of being the next UMA president if we are to go by the giants in the industry that have endorsed him so far.

At the beginning of this month, this website did report that former UMA president Ykee Benda came out and threw his support behind the Omukwano gwo gundeze singer.

Later on, NUP principal Bobi Wine alongside his right hand man Nubian both offered their signatures to King Saha and promised him all the support he needs for the position.

The latest giant in the Music industry to offer his support to King Saha is the man himself Dr Jose Chameleone who says that Saha has his vote. In a Facebook post on his page he wrote,

Manifest Uganda Music far and beyond!!
May God lead and we follow.

“I, With my Vote for you believes that your leadership will fairly represent the unheard voices. Both upcoming and existing art. Build more bridges.”

Good Luck Mansoor. He concluded

This leaves King Saha in a very promising position seeing as the other giant among the top three, Bebe Cool who for some reasons is not in support of Saha’s presidential bid was let down when Maurice Kirya who he was rooting for pulled out of the race.

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