
Marketing Museveni is impossible because people are tired of his system. Ronald Mayinja

Man Jose Kayima

Controversial musician Ronald Mayinja has composed a new song titled Abantu Baganye.” In the Song Mayinja revealed that he tried to preach the good things the current government has done but the people he reached out to in various parts of the country refused to take his message.

During an interview with Talks Ug, Mayinja stated,

“I tried to preach about the good things President Museveni and his government have done but the truth is people refused to take my message.” I travelled to various parts of the country but all they are saying is they want change and are tired of the system.”

“I am an artist who sings about various things, some people will want to hear about them and others won’t like the message.”

Said Mayinja

Mayinja was known for singing songs that were against the government but towards the 2021 General elections campaigns he composed a song calling people to vote President Museveni for another term.

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