Sierra Leone FA to investigate 95-0 and 91-1 scorelines

Man Jose Kayima

The Sierra Leone Football Association has revealed that investigations will be carried out into two matches that had scorelines of 95-0 and 91-1 respectively.

187 goals was recorded during second tier fixtures which involved derby games for Kahunla Rangers and Gulf FC.

They crushed Lumbebu United and Koquima Lebanon respectively, but questions were raised since the games only 2-0 and 7-1 respectively at halftime.
The final outcome has been annulled.

SLFA President Thomas Brima told BBC Africa that,

We can’t stand by and see an embarrassing situation like this go unpunished.

“We’re going to launch an immediate investigation and bring to book all those responsible for this mediocrity.

“All those found guilty will be dealt with in accordance with the SLFA laws, and will also be handed over to the country’s anti-corruption commission.”

Said Brima

Meanwhile, Kahunla Rangers CEO Eric Kaitell has stated that he is going to set up a committee that will investigate the whole team and officials

“I want to state firmly that I strongly condemn such unsportsmanlike behaviour displayed by my team, and the other teams involved.

“I’m setting up a committee to investigate the whole team including the technical staff and the executive members, and whoever is found wanting will be dealt with accordingly.”

Lumbebu’s general manager, Mohamed Jan Saeid Jalloh has claimed to be unaware of the proceedings.

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