Some bu boys are around Women football just for sex. Katende Malibu

Man Jose Kayima

Veteran Journalist Katende Malibu has revealed that some journalists and officials are around Women football not for the development of the game but just for their sexual desires.

“Am sending my rocket to only those bu Boys who keep around women football just for their sexual desire. And they pretend as if they own Women football . Rubbish don’t make noise for us.”

You bu boys you keep around those young girls for sex and you think you own Women football.”

I thank those who have married them .But those bu Boys who just grab sex and they run to another team i curse you.”

Katende added,

“Some of us witnessed women football beginning with only two TV stations ,and 3 radio stations with no social media .But we can’t claim that we own it .Like i always say, I give credit to FUFA, Schools and all the owners of football clubs. Not to the boys in the media who are just about sex.”

However, some journalists told Katende that he is outdated and should as well talk about coaches who also ask for sex from the players.

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