It’s possible to be both a Ugandan football club and foreign football club supporter. Man United fan Besigye

Man Jose Kayima

Former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) President Rt.Col. Kizza Besigye has responded to Eng.Immanuel Ben Misagga opinion where he urged public figures in the country to promote local football instead of European football.

Besigye says it’s okay to support both local and foreign clubs

“It’s possible to both a supporter of Uganda Football clubs and a fan of a foreign football club! Does having a timeline pic of Mr. Museveni with his cows mean you’re too drowned in his life to support or manage football? If so, then Moses Magogo maybe better.” Besigye revealed on his Twitter handle

For starters, Besigye is a staunch Manchester United fan and has always been seen on various platforms analysing the team’s performances.

In his opinion in the Daily Monitor, Misagga hailed Hon.Nandala Mafabi for helping Mbale Heroes.

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