
Makula reveals biggest gift ever received from Pastor Bugingo


Suzan Makula wife to the House of Prayer Ministries Pastor Aloyious Bugingo has disclosed about the best gift she has received from her man.

The couple were hosted on Salt TV by Dorah Jimmyz in the G 256 show,

“The best gift I have ever received from my husband pastor Bugingo is the day he publicly confessed how he loves me as his wife whether others liked me or not, they had nothing to change and was ready to protect me with what it takes.”

“I was well off by the time, he proposed to me and could afford everything a woman needed”

On the same show, Bugingo revealed how it felt like when Makula accepted his proposal,

“The day Suzan accepted to start a relationship with me was a dream come true. I remember I just asked her to join me on a ride we drove through Jinja to Budondo without knowing where we were heading to, we did not eat but never felt hungry imagine I even forgot that I had to conduct the lunch hour services.”

“By the way I did not fall for her because of her beauty it was because she is a God fearing and hard working lady its now as time goes on that I recognise how beautiful she is.”

Makula introduced Bugingo to her parents in December 2021 in Entebbe amidst protests after Bugingo announcing how he was done and fed up with his legally married wife pastor Teddy Naluswa.

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