
Kabuleta questioned the security situation in the Country before being arrested

Nalule Bonita

On Monday this week National Economic Empowerment Dialogue party president Joseph Kabuleta was arrested by non uniformed security operatives from his offices in Bugolobi as earlier reported by this website.

Prior to the arrest, Kabuleta had addressed the media at his party’s weekly press conference and talked about the current security situation in the country.

He said there was uncertainty in the country with the continued attacks of police posts and army barracks with unknown people stealing guns something that the president has not come out to address with the necessary vigor.

“There has been a lot of attacks on police stations, detaches, people are stealing guns and we don’t understand what is happening. May be it’s high time when the president returns from Vietnam or wherever he is to tell us, is there a rebel movement taking place in Uganda? Are there rebels we should worry about as a country?”

“And if so, how come they are being handled in a totally different way from what we have known before, because we’ve known government to come in a very high handed manner to sometime handle rebels who don’t even exist, who are made by themselves but now we have issues where police stations are being attacked and we don’t understand why the people doing it seem to be handled with kid gloves?”

“Officials are coming out and saying we know who is doing it, we are warning them, how do you warn somebody who is stealing guns? When did this government start warning people who are stealing guns? That’s not how we’ve known them to handle them, they’ve actually handled people militarily who didn’t even have guns”

So, the issue is, is it an inside job within themselves? Because it’s beginning to look to us like that, police seem to be handling the issue with a lot of caution and even the thieves seem to have a lot of boldness as if they are coming from an authority that is not a simple authority because they are attacking openly.

Is it an internal job? Is it people who are trying to take over government who are perhaps internal within themselves, is it a family thing??

I also want to tell Ugandans that it’s the responsibility of all Ugandans to be apart of the next phase of this country of ours because I see within the family people who seem to be positioning themselves. It will not be decided within your family, we are not stupid, Ugandans are not stupid, it will not be decided within your family. Your family has come to an end as leaders.

And now we are telling Ugandans, everybody should be involved in the next stage of the leadership of this country, do not let cowardice leave you let it to other people and they appear to be the ones in control.

Kabuleta also wondered what the president was doing in Vietnam when we have security issues in the country.

“As all these things are going on, then we turn around and the president in Vietnam, we have security issues here, he should come and address the issues of security that are cropping up in the country. There is a lot of uncertainty. “

We have a serious security problem going into the festive season and then police is warning people about driving safely, we have bigger problems than driving safely and Ebola, who is stealing guns? And how come when police gets them they kill them? There is something fishy going on in the country and perhaps it’s about time we address it. Concluded Kabuleta.

These were very strong, sensitive and pertinent issues the former presidential candidate raised. Could this have been the reason he was shortly arrested?

Police said he was arrested after failing to produce himself to the CID offices after a police summoned him weeks ago but it’s not a coincidence that they chose to arrest him after this hard hitting presser.

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