
Lord Mayor Lukwago urges Police to investigate intentions of driver who knocked his gate


Over the weekend on Saturday 3rd December, 2022, a Subaru car rammed into Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago’s home in Mengo.

It’s is believed that the driver lost control of the car that failed to break and ended up knocking the gate forcing its way into the compound and knocking one of the pillars on the house.

Narrating to the media, Mayor Lukwago said,

“ the man came from up and knocked the gate with a lot of impact and there was a big sound like a bomb blast. The gate opened and the car went direct to the pillar of the house.”

“The gate hit one of my gate keeper who was next to it but he was not seriously injured, luckily the children who are now in holiday had just left the compound after playing football”

Lord Mayor Lukwago now questions the intentions of the driver and wants police to investigate the matter and find out the truth of it.

“I can’t rule out anything, that’s why we need to investigate further and find out was this planned, was it really an accident or there was malice involved?”

The driver on his had said the car failed to break and his intention was not to knock Lord Mayor’s house

“I wanted to make use of the fence to make it stop because it was no longer braking and I had lost control of it but when I engaged the parking gear and also engaged the hand break they both didn’t help because they where damaged”

Lukwago also said that the driver of the Subaru Forester registration number UAJ 704K a one Farid Kiwewa was sober and he is a moslem. Also police confirmed from their initial investigations that the driver did not have any intoxication he had used.

So how did this happen if he was in his rightful senses and not under the influence of anything. The driver was latter taken into custody to help in the investigations.

Traffic Police commander in the Kampala metropolitan north said the vehicle did not look to be in good condition and it could have been the reason it caused the accident after failing to break.

The car was later taken away from Lukwago’s residence by police for further investigations.

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