
NUP paraded Boda-Boda accident victims as torture victims. Minister Otafiire

Man Jose Kayima

Minister for Internal Affairs, Rtd Maj Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, has ordered police to investigate opposition leaders who attended the Human Rights conference in Nairobi and allegedly paraded boda boda accident victims alleging that they had been tortured by security.

Some of the people taken for demonstration were victims of boda boda accidents. People took to Nairobi boda bod accident victims and claimed they were victims of torture. That is the integrity of our politicians that some of the people they took were accident victims,”Otafiire said.

Otafiire said those responsible should be brought to book.

“We should investigate them and bring them to account. How do you take people who fell down on boda bodas and parade them before international press and say were victims tortured by police and CMI. This is criminal and those people who did it should be brought to book. This is not politics. It has gone beyond the boundaries and become criminal.”

“This is treason. Those who recruited boda boda victims and took them to Nairobi and the victims themselves who accepted to go should be held accountable.” Said Otafiire

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