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VIDEO: Stella Nantumbwe denies knowing Prophet Mbonye THREE times like Peter denied Jesus

Bonita Nalule

In the Holy Bible, a story is told of how one of Jesus’ most senior disciples Simon Peter denied ever knowing the Son of God moments after Jesus had been arrested.

This has been predicted to happen by Jesus when he told him that before the rooster crows, he would have denied him 3 times and that’s exactly what happened. Details can be found in Mathew 26: 69-75

Now in similar fashion and in what one could call history repeating itself, former Miss Uganda Stella Nantumbwe aka Ella who is a well known Remnant or at least was at some point denied knowing Prophet Elvis Mbonye on live Tv.


The Sanyu actress did this not once, not twice but thrice just like Simon Peter denied the Son of God Jesus. The only missing thing was the rooster crowing.

It should be recalled that in 2018, there had been allegations that Prophet Mbonye had gifted Stella an expensive Lexus car as a birthday gift. These allegations where denied by both the man of God and Stella and indeed were found not to be true.

That said, for someone who at some point subscribed to the Zoe Ministries and also used to attend the Tuesday fellowship to deny knowing the man of God was a shocker.

Kale mwana gwe Stella tetulikusonyiwa. But hopefully the Man of God forgives you like Jesus forgave Peter.

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