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This is not a matter of undressing. Promoter Bajjo to Cindy

Man Jose Kayima

Promoter Andrew Mukasa aka Bajjo has blasted Uganda Musician Association President Cindy Sanyu alias Cindy

Cindy, Pallaso and Mathias Walukagga all attacked Bajjo for drafting a payment system for hiring of musicians.

Bajjo has replied to the musicians that attacked him

“Cindy should know that this is not a matter of undressing. She claims that she is the UMA President but what has that association helped the musicians.”

“For Walukagga, he had the late Livingstone Kasozi’s nonstop but nowadays he has no songs.”

“At least Pallaso can say something but he was also a lockdown musician.” Said Bajjo.

On why he gave Bobi Wine a price tag of Shs20M

“Bobi Wine is in demand since he is not singing nowadays and so the fans desperately want to see him on stage.” He deserves that amount  and don’t think even Namboole can be enough for Bobi Wine.” Added Bajjo


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