
SFC Soldier murdered in Entebbe

Man Jose Kayima

Police in Kasenyi, Katabi town council in Entebbe have started investigations into circumstances under which a UPDF soldier attached to the Special Forces Command was killed.

Corporal Henry Madri’s body was found near a household in Kasenyi.

It is alleged the 36 year old was last seen on Sunday night at a bar with his friends in Kasenyi before his body found dumped outside the house

According to John Muhiire, area counselor, the deceased had just returned from Somalia where he served under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia(ATMIS).

“It’s unfortunate that this has happened area our area, this soldier was as very humble person. We don’t know why he was killed like; we appeal to people to always desist from criminal acts like this,” Muhiire said.

“We have heard of residents around who decry the security officers who beat and torture the residents, and this has created hatred within them. This has continuously attracted tension between the two.”

The body was found with simple blood stains and wounds around the legs which raised concerns that the officer was involved in a scuffle that claiming his life

Kasenyi Chairperson LC1, Robert Mulondo said cases of insecurity in Kasenyi are on the rise partly due to clashes between locals and security in the area.

“Last week on Thursday, the landlord whose households are near to the place where the body was found, called for the meeting between residents to speak on the issues regarding the security status in the area. During the meeting, angry residents’ raised complaints against security officers which we suspect it could be a result of revenge which we condemn,”Mulondo said.

The Police and SFC visited the scene documented it where suspected blood stains, a pair of grey desert storm shoes were recovered

The body was taken by Police to Mulago Hospital for postmortem.

Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the incident saying the body was recovered on Monday morning.

He said the body was found in an iron sheet structure.

“He was resident of Sera, Kasenyi, SFC training school.We are yet to ascertain the cause of the death since there were no injuries on the body apart from blood which was coming out of the nose.

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