
Continued adjournment has affected me financially and psychological – Pastor Ssenyonga guards victims cries out

Man Jose Kayima

Former member of Christian Life Church, Sam Mukula is not pleased with the continued adjournments of his compensation case.

“I am suffering financially and psychologically as a result of the continued adjournments of the case,” a desolate-sounding Sam Mukula says.

This was after he was contacted on the phone after the adjournment of a case in which he sued Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga, his church, and four others on 1st July 2024.

“I have medical bills to meet since I am not well ever since I was beaten and also people to take care of me and as I speak my pockets are running dry and as a man this has affected me psychologically.”

“However I am glad that a new Judge has taken over the case and I hope and pray that despite these delays justice will prevail,” Mukula added.

What Conflict Of Interest Did Justice Wamala Have?

Justice Boniface Wamala sent back the files on grounds that he was conflicted and it was re-allocated to Justice Douglas Singiza.

One asks themselves how and why but so as not to put the case of the victim in jeopardy, speculations of bread being buttered will be watered down.

However, just like General Mugisha Muntu said, only time will tell if indeed the bread was buttered.

Fast forward, Mukula’s lawyer, Counsel Samuel Ssemwogerere, the case having a new Judge is positive despite the long adjournment since Justice Singiza is currently on leave.

“The delay doesn’t really count as long as long as we are finally heard. We will wait for the Judge to go through the file and be at par just like the other parties involved,” Ssemwogerere explained adding.

“My only challenge is that the adjournment given is long. But, I have had many cases under him and he has never given short ones.”

The other four who were dragged to court are Israel Wasswa, Ssenyonga’s former chief guard; Ivan Wanyama, a chapati maker, Ali Ojulong alias Peter, and Geoffrey Mawanda alias Kefa, both former guards at the church.

Pastor Ssenyonga and Christian Life Ministries Church, are also respondents in the matter before the Civil Division of the High Court.

Background of the case

On June 1, 2022, Justice Isaac Muwata handed the guards of Christian Life Church different sentences ranging from two to five years, after finding them guilty of assaulting Sam Mukula, a former member of the church.

Pastor Ssenyonga

After the judgment, Mukula filed a suit against the guards and Ssenyonga, in the Civil Division of the High Court in Kampala, seeking a declaration that they acted violently and brutally.

“The grievous harm was infringed on my human rights and freedom,” Mukula contends.

Court documents indicate that on June 8, 2018, at Christian Life Church in Kavule, in Kampala, Wasswa, Wanyama, Ojulong, and Mawanda armed with blunt objects robbed Mukula of a mobile phone and sh500,000 in addition to causing grievous harm to him.

Wasswa right in a blue shirt and another co accused in the dock

Mukula stated that he suffered psychological torture, trauma, mental anguish, distress, and financial loss.

He contends that Pastor Ssenyonga and his church are vicariously responsible for the human rights threats and violations.

“It is just and equitable that this court be pleased to grant the prayers sought,” Mukula requested.

Mukula is seeking a declaration that his non-refundable right of freedom from torture was grossly violated by the respondents.

He also wants an order directing the respondents jointly or severally to adequately, fairly, and promptly compensate him in terms of general damages for the legal violations, inconvenience, and human rights transgressions.

The applicant wants aggravated damages for tortious conduct subjecting him to humiliation and malice.

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