2023 All Africa Schools Badminton Championship: Uganda flag still flying high

Jeremiah Mugalu

The 2023 All Africa Schools Badminton Championship was tossed off in Zimbabwe, Harrare on Saturday 16th December.

Kibuli Secondary School are the only school to represent Uganda in the boys category just like Mbogo High School and Lubaga Girls in the girls category.

Day One of the precious tournament saw 2022 defending champions of Kibuli win their first two games beating Bernard Mezeki College of Zimbabwe by a 5-0

In their second fixture, a repeated scoreline of 5-0 was registered as the Kibuli side eased past Prince Edward School of Zimbabwe meaning that they now sit top of group A.

In the girls, Mbogo High School also tossed off on a good note inorder to defend their title defence defeating both College Sainte Therese from Ivory Coast and Queen Elizabeth School of Zimbabwe by 5-0 scoreline.

For the Lubaga Girls, they topped Group B with two wins against Zimbabwe’s Mufakose High School in a 5-0 score and 4-1 victory against Durban High School from South Africa with Kyomukama Olivia Betty standing out.

The tournament is set to climax on Wednesday 20th December 2023 with three schools representing Uganda.

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