

Man Jose Kayima

The ages-old biblical saying states that why remove the speck from your neighbour’s eye before removing the plank in your own eye.

Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga has tried everything humanly possible to tarnish the name of Pastor Robert Kayanja forgetting that he has quite several skeletons in his closet.

An America-based Ugandan Pastor Daniel Ssegane of Boston Miracle Center in the USA, Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga’s Daughter Elizabeth Ssenyonga is a drug addict.

In a video recording, Ssegane asserted that Ssenyonga’s daughter currently in the USA has been arrested several times due to drug addiction.

“I have always respected Pastor Ssenyonga but I am fading up with the way he has handled issues regarding Pastor Robert Kayanja.

Pastor Ssenyonga himself is not a saint, he used to bleach and has always lied to people that he has only two children.

“We all know that he has a daughter known as Elizabeth Ssenyonga who is a drug addict here in the USA, she is always in prison over cases of drug addiction.”

He also added that “Pastor Ssenyonga himself has a case of sexual molestation in the USA and that’s why he doesn’t come to these ends,” said Ssegane.

Ssegane believes that Ssenyonga should stop his fights against Kayanja and focus on his family and preaching the word of God.

“He should focus on cleaning his house first and the word of God rather than fighting his colleague. We have learned a lot from Kayanja and so we can’t keep quiet when someone comes out to trash his name,” Ssegane noted.

Last month, it was revealed that Pastor Ssenyonga made several calls with his henchmen in a mega plot against Pastor Kayanja.

A well-articulated phone matrix provided by the Police through D/ASP Bill Ndyamukahi of the Cyber Crime Department at CID Headquarters shows that Pastor Ssenyonga, through his lackeys orchestrated the mudsling campaign against Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Center.

At the centre of the matrix, a phone number registered under Ojok Morris (0708208205) was used by Pastor Ssenyonga on various occasions to make communications and this helped the Police greatly during their investigations. The other top Ssenyonga henchmen cited in the plot are Kanene Aggrey, Mwandha Jamilu, and Jordan Banura.

We also need to remember that when the accusers we brought before the courts of law, Pastor Ssenyonga extended the help of lawyers from Ojambo & Ojambo Advocates to the accusers of Pastor Robert Kayanja.

Pastor Ssenyonga’s lawyers Humphrey Tumwesigye and Robert Ojambo tried to get the accusers to accept the falsehoods to continue so the case against Pastor Kayanja could stick but this was to no avail. When called to testify, Simon Tumukunde said that he had made and signed the statement to tarnish Pastor Kayanja.

Dr Sam Kalungi, a Mulago Hospital Pathologist confirmed that the men who claimed that Pastor Kayanja sexually abused them were medically examined and it was established that their claims were untrue.

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