
With or without video recordings, justice must prevail in Kayanja case

Man Jose Kayima

One would either call it the kicks of a dying horse and a drowning man grasping at a straw but it seems the defense in the Kayanja case at Mwanga 2 Court have resorted to delaying tactics.

This time round in a bid to have the case adjourned further they insisted that they would not go on without the case unless audio and video recordings of the case by media are restored.

In earlier proceedings the media had been stopped from visual and audio recordings of the case as some sections had resorted to doctoring videos from the proceedings to satisfy their hidden agenda.

A case in point is when one Aggrey Magumba of Miracle center cathedral was testifying verbatim what the young men who stormed Kayanja’s church had said. His testimony was edited to make it loom like he was pinning pastor Kayanja.

Another case in point was when Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga went before his congregation at his church to discuss the proceedings of the case especially when the phone call matrix clearly showed that he together with Bishop Kiganda through their henchmen had clearly orchestrated the plot against Kayanja.

The magistrate argues, rightfully, that the media is being used to twist the facts of the case, sour the name of Pastor Kayanja in the public eye, and manipulate the law.

Attention here can be brought to Aggrey Magumba’s testimony who witnessed all the drama at Miracle Centre Cathedral when the young men stormed the church at the apex of their conspiracy.

The young men lied their way past Magumba to access Miracle Center Church. His words in the testimony against the young men who stormed the church, testifying in verbatim, were twisted on social media with recordings edited to serve Pastor Ssenyonga’s agenda.

In addition, Fred Kisitu, Pastor Kayanja’s Kiryandogo farm manager while testifying in court shared mobile money messages and financial statements with the accused signatures acknowledging recieving their pay in full. With all this evidence, one wonders if the defence is not delaying and dragging this case.

These young men were part of a very elaborate scheme, engineered by Aggrey Kanene, which according to Police findings, involved over 20 numbers attached to associates of Christian Life Church Bwaise and top henchmen of Pastor Ssenyonga namely Ojok Morris, Adrian Ssebaale, Banura Jordan, and Mwandha Jamilu, according to D/ASP Bill Ndyamukahi of the Cyber Crime Department at CID Headquarters.

Aggrey Kanene, with the aid of Mwandha Jamilu, Jordan Banura and Ojok Morris ran a scheme of communications in two parts, the first batch of contact (852 calls) happening between 1st August 2021 and 15th September 2021 before the commission of the offense and the second round (734 calls) happening between 19th September 2021 and 30th September 2021.

Lest we forget, Dr Sam Kalungi, a Mulago Hospital Pathologist confirmed that the young men who claimed that Pastor Kayanja sexually abused them were medically examined and it was established that their claims were untrue.

Pastor Ssenyonga, of Christian Life Church Bwaise, has elaborately used media to soil Pastor Kayanja’s name recently claiming that one of the alleged sodomy victims had confessed to him about having marks on his private parts. He went as far as mentioning this graphically during one of his televised sermons.

To this effect, the court argued that pastors are taking on the court’s mandate and are making unnecessary comments and passing judgment yet this is unlawful and criminal.

The court also hoped to curb individuals, especially on TikTok, YouTube, and other online content creators, who are using the chance of the availability of footage to edit and generate harmful stories for internet consumption.

The way the proceedings are going about is a delay tactic for justice. Pastor Kayanja has had to bear with his name being dragged through the mud in this case, while sitting on the sidelines and allowing the law to take its course.

It is clear that the Pastor Ssenyonga funded defense wants the media to have untamed access so they can keep manipulating the video footage and messages from the court to continue maligning Miracle Center’s Pastor Kayanja.

We can also remember that ex-gay campaigner, Elisha Mukisa, who was part of the plot against Pastor Kayanja, revealed that four pastors i.e. Bishop Kiganda, Pastor Bugingo, Pastor Ssempa, and Pastor Ssenyonga all communicated with him either directly or through their assistants intending to plot against Pastor Kayanja.

Mr Mukisa shared mobile money messages showing financial support towards the plot, as well as funds to cater to bloggers who were helping further the story through various online sites.

Pastor Ssenyonga

Pastor Senyonga’s assistant, Aggrey Gershom Kanene and Walu were named conspirators in regularly contacting Elisha to find out the progress of the malicious plot against Pastor Kayanja.

Therefore with or without VIDEO recordings of the proceedings of the case, justice must prevail and the culprits must be brought to book.

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