
Pastor Ssenyonga’s Henchmen Masqueraded as Lawyers, Says Police Detective  

Detective Inspector Of Police Nanduutu Cotilda identified three of Pastor Ssenyonga’s henchmen as Lawyer-impersonators in Court.

While making her appearance in court for cross-examination, Detective Nanduutu named Jordan Banura, Jamilu Mwandha, and Aggrey Kanene as individuals masquerading as lawyers and taking statements of the alleged victims of Pastor Kayanja’s sodomy actions alongside police officers.

The three lackeys are known lieutenants of Bwaise-based Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga and are on record at Old Kampala Police Station identifying as lawyers directing statements from Serugo and Wakamala, telling them to include that they had marks of being sodomized.

Aggrey Kanene, with the aid of Mwandha Jamilu, Jordan Banura and Ojok Morris ran a scheme of communications in two parts, the first batch of contact (852 calls) happening between 1st August 2021 and 15th September 2021 before the commission of the offense and the second round (734 calls) happening between 19th September 2021 and 30th September 2021.

Detective Nanduutu further clarified that after helping trace the phone matrix that put the alleged sodomy in play, she had the boys examined at Mulago, and the results turned up negative. This testimony showed that the first examination the boys conducted produced false results.

This exam was carried out by Dr Sam Kalungi, a Mulago Hospital Pathologist who confirmed that the young men who claimed that Pastor Kayanja sexually abused were telling lies.

Detective Inspector Of Police Nanduutu Cotilda was tasked by the Court and CID to get the sim cards and phones implicated in this syndicate to help the Police trace the origin of this plot.

The detective confirmed that there was no need to track and trace Pastor Kayanja’s devices as his device was never in communication with any of the accomplices in the alleged sodomy plot.

The lawyers paid by Pastor Jackson thought to use this indication as negligence to use a basis to throw out the whole case and have the court reconsider the fake results from the tests but the Court thwarted them in their tracks.

This disregard for right or wrong is another incidence of manipulation that Pastor Ssenyonga, his henchmen, and his lawyers have employed throughout these proceedings to discredit Pastor Kayanja.

Recently, the magistrate argued that the media was being used to twist the facts of the case, and sour the name of Pastor Kayanja in the public eye, and manipulate the law.

This was mainly brought about by Aggrey Magumba’s testimony who witnessed all the drama at Miracle Centre Cathedral when the young men stormed the church at the apex of their conspiracy. The young men lied their way past Magumba to access Miracle Center Church.

His words in the testimony against the young men who stormed the church, testifying in verbatim, were twisted on social media with recordings edited to serve Pastor Ssenyonga’s agenda.

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