
President Museveni cannot handle an ideological debate because it can’t be rigged, Joseph Kabuleta

Nakibuule Bonita

Last Wednesday security operatives raided former presidential candidate Joseph Kabuleta’s NEED offices and confiscated a few items from the office.

Today morning while addressing the media at the weekly National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) presser, the former presidential candidate said that the people that raided his offices on Wednesday wanted to arrest him and parade him together with ADF rebels in Luwero.

“What happened is that on Wednesday the guys who came here wanted to arrest me but luckily I had not yet reached office. They had a plan of taking me to Luwero and parading me together with alleged ADF rebels.”

“I have told you before that Museveni can not handle an ideological debate, he has to push you into what he knows best which is things to do with guns, I have never held a gun, I don’t even know how to operate it but now they want to attach me to ADF rebels.”

Of course the state is capable of anything, they can plant a gun in my car or anywhere else and because of that I have no problem with them arresting me but I want to inform him that this is an ideological war which he can not manage, the moment you start ideological talk he will term you a rebel because that’s what he knows best.

“The only gun I have is my mouth and the only ear I can fight is the ideological war that’s all” concluded Kabuleta.

He was addressing a number of issues in which his NEED formation aims at empowering all Ugandans so that they can claim for a fair share of natural resources in their areas among other things.

At the same press conference they also addressed the rampant land grabbing problem in the Sebei subregion which Kabuleta says is as a result of the many natural resources that have been discovered in the area.

“All we are doing is exposing the wrong doings they are involved in, they killed people in Karamoja and we exposed them, we talked about their plan to forcefully vaccinate children in schools and they put it on hold, all this is not treason like they are planing to term it.”

The thing is that the people governing us are thieves and they are very greedy, they don’t want to compensate to owners of land where minerals are discovered, they will forcefully chase people from their land and create a situation of instability.

He concluded by labeling the ruling party NRM, National Robbers Movement!!!

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