
Kabuleta likens joining NRM to buying a ticket to board the Titanic when it’s sinking

Bakabulindi Jonah

Former presidential candidate and president of the National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) Joseph Kabuleta has come out and said he would never take the direction that DP president Norbert Mao took.

The DP president earlier last week shocked the country when he and president Museveni signed a cooperation agreement that culminated into the former being appointed the Minister of Justice and Constitutional affairs.

While addressing media at the weekly NEED press conference Mr Kabuleta addressed a number of issues like the planned forced vaccination of school going students, The computer misuse (Amendment) Bill, 2022 tabled by Mohammad Nsereko and Mao’s historical transfer.

On the Mao ‘transfer’ Kabuleta said he was surprised by the move and he wouldn’t do that.

“First of all it surprised me, I thought everyone knows that if you join the government there is nothing you can change. No one has joined Museveni and changed anything and they are many.”

“NRM belongs to Museveni and his family so if you join them even if you sign any agreement, you must do what he wants and you play by his rules and instructions”

It’s like a new football player signing for a new team, you must play how the coach tells you to and also where he tells you to play.

This is exactly what Mao has gone to do and he knows it because he is not stupid to think he is going to change anything in this government.

“I am trying to make sense of his move but I don’t get it. He is a wise man and an experienced politician without a doubt so I won’t ever commit my self and claim to know what his motive is.”

I however can not take the step he took because there is nothing Museveni has that I like and besides,

“anyone that joins NRM right now is like someone who buys a ticket to board the Titanic when it has already hit the iceberg and sinking, you see the ship sinking and you decide to board?”

He concluded by saying he stands with the oppressed Ugandans and there is no way he can associate with the same party that is oppressing Ugandans.

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