
Foil your ‘tail’ between your legs and apologize to Justice Ssekaana, Court of Appeal tells Male Mabirizi


At the beginning of this year, controversial city lawyer Male Mabirizi was found guilty of contempt of court and sentenced to 18months in prison by Justice Musa Ssekaana.

Like expected, Mabirizi filed a notice of appeal challenging the findings of Justice Ssekaana and its on these very grounds that he also filled various applications to be temporarily released.

Earlier In January this year, this same court had directed Mabirizi to pay 300 million as compensation after finding him guilty for constantly attacking Judicial officers on his social media platforms.

His failure to pay the 300 million was thus also equated to another act of contempt of court and thus he was jailed for 18 months.

On hearing his appeal , the Court of Appeal has now advised Mabirizi to swallow his pride and put his tail between his legs and just apologize to Justice Musa Ssekaana.

This formal advice for Mabirizi to seek pardon was offered to him yesterday Friday 19th 2022 by Court of Appeal justices; Muzamiru Mutangula Kibeedi, Irene Mulyagonja, and Eva Luswata shortly after dismissing applications in which Mabirizi sought to be released.

Mabirizi is famous for being an integral player in the constitutional Appeal No. 02 2018 in which he and others challenged the constitutional amendments that removed the age limit of the president.

We now wait to see if Male Mabirizi will take the court of appeal’s advice and seek pardon from Justice Ssekaana so that he can regain his freedom.

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