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There was no single case of immorality reported at Nyege Nyege, Fred Enanga


The BBC termed it as an ‘immoral’ Ugandan music festival and it has continued to attract both positive and negative reviews after coming to an end on last Sunday in the Eastern part of the country.

Like this website reported last week, the Nyege Nyege festival went on successfully after the prime minister overruled the parliaments decision of initially banning it on grounds of it being a breeding ground for immortality.

Police was tasked to perform their duty of keeping law and order at the event and ensure that there was no spread of STD’s and unwanted pregnancies.

Police spokesman Fred Enanga came out at the press briefing and gave a report about the four day Nyege Nyege event at Itanda falls on the banks of river Nile.

“I want to inform all Ugandans that the Nyege Nyege event successfully ended after four days, people had fun, ate, drunk and danced.”

“We want to thank the law enforcement in Kira region, Jinja and Buwenge. They did a tremendous job to see that the event moves on smoothly.”

Despite the big crowds at the event, we did not get any reports of serious crimes, there was no murder, no rape cases and all participants were above 18 years.

“BBC in one of their articles labeled this event an ‘immoral’ one but we did not get cases of immortality and we did not get any complaints” concluded Enanga.

With this fairly positive and clean report by the police spokesperson Fred Enanga, one can confidently conclude that the controversial Nyege Nyege event will be back next year 2023, you can take that to the bank.

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