
“To hell with your money hungry Misambwa, give them 4.6 million instead of the 150m”. Court orders UNRA


In an interesting turn of events, court in Mpigi ruled in favour of UNRA and ordered them to pay the clan members that own the spirit infested tree that had stalled the Mpigi Kampala express highway just 4.6 Million

It should be recalled that earlier this week while appearing before parliament in plenary, Minister of works and transport Gen Katumba Wamala informed members of how these clan members demanded 500 million shillings as compensation for a tree they claim has all their clan spirits.

According to the General, UNRA had offered them 150 million that they comfortably turned down and insisted it’s either 500million or there will be no Mpigi – Kampala express highway.

In passing judgement, court based on the fact that the said piece of land that has the money hungry tree is not a gazetted cultural site. Such astronomical compensation is given to gazetted cultural sites.

Mr Hussein Katamba the spear head claimant was therefore told to be compensated for his 0.083 acre piece of land on which the tree is found.

Well, bwana Hussein Katamba here at Ugolemwa we feel your pain, but then again I think it’s time for your money hungry ‘spirits’ to show UNRA how really hungry they are.

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