
Ministry of Education cuts third term short by two weeks due Ebola outbreak


The Ministry of Education and Sports has announced new dates for the closure of the 2022 academic year.

The third term has been cut short by two weeks and will officially come to an end on 25th November due to the outbreak of Ebola in the country.

Initially, the third term was supposed to end on December 9th.

The decision was approved by the ministry following a proposal by the Ministry of Health over the concern of Ebola among the school going children and students.

Following the announcement, the schools have been tasked to make preparations for end of year exams as soon as possible.

There has been 23 Ebola cases among students and pupils since the outbreak of Ebola.

Eight of the 23 have died, five have recovered while 16 have been under isolation as of a report on November 4th.

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