
Matembe calls upon Ugandans to rise up and speak, asks for release of Kabuleta, Segirinya and Sewanyana

Nalule Bonita

Early this week the National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) party held a joint press conference with members of the Elders under hope Uganda and they addressed the current security situation in the country.

Among the representatives of Elders under hope Uganda was former minister Hon Miria Matembe and former Rubaga North MP Wassea Lule.

For her part, Matembe urged the government security agencies to follow the laws when arresting suspects. She said the current system of people being arrested in ‘Drones’ remind her of the days of Amin and Obote governments.

She said that if Ugandans don’t rise up and speak, these unlawful arrests will continue because that’s exactly what used to happen in the past regimes when people were too scared to speak.

She also addressed the issue of the two Members of Parliament Allan Sewanyana and Segirinya Muhammad who have been in prison for close to two years without trial and also denied bail.

“We have a list of bailable crimes and even those that are not bailable the law which I studied is if within one year your case has not been heard then bail is automatic. But can you imagine right now as we talk two MPs who are supposed to be representing Ugandas in parliament have spent almost two years in prison without bail and without their case being heard.?”

“These are members of parliament, what is it that prevents the court to expedite at least Hon Members of Parliament case because he he’s supposed to be representing his people?”

“Ugandans are there shut up, they say there was lockdown of CIVID but after Covid there is shut down of Ugandans, they can’t speak.”

“Now they arrested Kabuleta and the charge is sectarianism , I want ask you Ugandans listening to me, who is practicing and implementing sectarianism in this Country, who doesn’t know that right from the top of the government of this country to the lower, whoever has a job and is important is practicing sectarianism and tribalism?”

“Now tell me Kabuleta who has no official government job, who has no where to promote sectarianism how can he be charged for promoting sectarianism? Do you know why??

“Because in this country according to the law when you practice and implement sectarianism, your okay, it’s your right, but you Ugandans who are affected by the practice should not see and speak about the sectarianism because when you talk about it, it becomes illegal.” Said Matembe

Matembe lastly said the only reason Kabuleta is in prison and not being given bail is because he was mobilizing people economically and the people in government don’t linke that.

“I want to appeal to Ugandans to stop fearing, rise up and talk, religious leaders, rise up and talk. I was here during Amin, the more we kept quiet, the more people disappeared.”

“I think Mr Kabuleta should be let out of that prison, I don’t see why he is suffering, the others I don’t know where they are but whoever is in prison without any reason should be released , please Ugandans rise up and talk, especially the old people” concluded Matembe.

Joseph Kabuleta is expected to return today 14th December, 2022 in Nakawa court for the hearing of his bail application.

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