
Speaker Among returns iron sheets meant for the vulnerable people of Karamoja

Man Jose Kayima

The Speaker of Parliament Anitah Annet Among has returned 500 iron sheets to the Office of the Prime Minister- OPM.

Among is one of the government officials who benefited from the iron sheets which were meant for vulnerable people in Karamoja. Former Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, Jacob Oboth Oboth, Hamson Obua, Amos Lugolobi, Matia Kasaija, Karamoja Affairs Minister Mary Goretti Kitutu are the other top government officials who benefited.

The Speaker of Parliament, Among, says she’s purchased 500 iron sheets to be returned to the Office of the Prime Minister. She does not want to be accused of grabbing iron sheets meant for the vulnerable people of Karamoja

“l don’t want to be accused of grabbing iron sheets meant for the vulnerable people of Karamoja”. She said.

On Monday, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Jane Frances Abodo directed the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to expeditiously investigate the Ministers implicated in the mismanagement of iron sheets that were meant to benefit the impoverished people in Karamoja.

Meanwhile, the Inspector General of Government-IGG Betty Kamya said that investigations over the matter are underway.

“I wrote to all of them especially those who have been written about in the newspapers and those whose names have appeared on the distributions list in the Office of the Prime Minister. From the Vice president to the prime minister, ministers and other individuals,” she said.

She said the ministers will be required to explain whether they asked for them or not and whether they followed the right procedures to get them.

Earlier this month, the Minister for Karamoja Agnes Nandutu confessed to diverting 3000 iron sheets that were meant for the unprivileged people in Karamoja.

Appearing before the Presidential Affairs Committee of Parliament Agnes Nandutu accepted responsibility for the mismanagement of iron sheets procured for the vulnerable in the sub-region.

“Some of the iron sheets were used to roof a boys’ dormitory in Situmi Primary School, Namisindwa district. The school lacked a store, hence storing them at a relative’s house,” she said.

She apologized to the committee and parliament noting that she was never guided about the project. Nandutu requested for 12,200 iron sheets to aid her in community mobilization and peace-building missions in Karamoja.

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