
Videos: How Kayanja accusers were allegedly trained at Ssenyonga’s church

Man Jose Kayima

New videos have emerged showing that the youth who accused pastor Robert Kayanja of Rubaga Miracle centre of sodomy met at Christian life church in Bwayise to plan their blackmail.

Videos show David Asiimwe alias David Mukulu and his main accomplice Mapengo Bayichi inside the Christian life church of pastor Jackson Ssenyonga before the state-of-the-art cameras set up to record them.

One wonders why pastor Jackson Ssenyonga goes through all this to record the statements of the youth a thing that should be done at police stations if really and truly the youth have a case against Pastor Kayanja.

A point to note is that the youth claim they have hard evidence but aren’t willing to use the right legal channels but are simply out to use social media a thing that reads blackmail and a ploy to tarnish someone.

Videos that we shall later release show that one of the men keeps guiding Mukulu and Mapengo on what to say
The two youths are jittery and look scared but the men keep cajoling them on what to say.


With such a planned and scripted scheme to tarnish the image of pastor Kayanja only Pastor Ssenyonga and his god can know why he has such a vendetta against a fellow man of God.


In due course we shall also reveal minutes from a meeting pastor Ssenyonga convened to plan how to continue the smear campaign against Kayanja.

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