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Producer Dan Margic responds to critics of Bobi Wine’s latest song Nalumansi

Bonita Nakalule

He is presently the resident Firebase producer and goes by the name Sir Dan Magic and has produced many of Bobi Wine’s songs.

Dembe, Nterede, Tujune being some of the songs he has produced for Bobi Wine in the recent past. The latest song being Nalumansi which was released last week.

Nalumansi received mixed reviews from various music fans and critics in the music industry. Galaxy Fm’s Flora show said the song was trash and she didn’t like it.

Dembe Fm’s renowned music critic Eddie Sendi put all the blame on the producer Dan Magic whom he said did a disservice to Bobi Wine. He advised Bobi Wine to redo the song with another producer. Sendi commended Bobi Wine for the good lyrics in the song.

Like expected, the Producer Dan Magic has responded to the critics of his latest production of Nalumansi saying some people don’t want to critic critic the artist but have chosen to attack the producer.

‘I heard the criticism, I can’t pretend that I did not hear it. Production is not all about just sitting in studio and a musician comes and you just start from no where, first you must fall in love with the song.’

‘Criticism is very welcome but when you look at the people who are criticizing me and the song like Uncle Eddie Sendi with all due respect, Jenkins Mukasa, Frank Gashumba, these are people who have never appreciated our works.’

‘I will remind everyone, in 2016 we released Dembe which I personally produced but it’s on record these same people came out and bashed it, look for the footage and see’

‘This means these people have never appreciated anything from our camp, so if it’s the same people trying to throw stones at us, even if what you are saying might be true, I will not give you attention.’

‘I will tell you that during Nalumansi production, Paddy Man was in studio, Tonny Houls was in studio, KimXp was also in studio plus myself. These are the best sound engineers and producers so if you say the production was not good then I just don’t get it.’ Said Dan Magic.

Like they say, one man’s meat is another’s poison. Nalumansi is fine to others and wack to others.

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