
Man commits suicide using rat poison

Man Jose Kayima

Police in Kibuku District are investigating circumstances under which a 49 -year-old man allegedly committed suicide on July 22.

The deceased has been identified as James Mukabili, a peasant and a resident of Buganza Cell, Kangalaba Ward, Bulangira Town Council in Kibuku District.

Bukedi North Region Police Spokesperson, SP Immaculate Alaso Emily, confirmed the incident, saying they have started investigations into the matter.

“Brief facts show that on Saturday at about 4pm, the deceased was last seen at his home by his friend Ali Koboi. However, he was drunk. He told Koboi that he wanted to sleep, and he left. Today at about 6am, one George Mbayo, the biological brother to the deceased reached his home to greet him as usual. The deceased didn’t respond prompting him to forcefully open the door only to find lifeless body lying on the bed,” SP Alaso said.

She said the remains of rat poison was on the same bed.

The matter was reported to the area LC1 Chairperson and other local leaders who reported to Police.

She said Investigation started vide Bulangira DEF:002/023.

Last week a man who has been bed ridden for some time committed suicide after failing to respond to treatment in Busikwe Cell, Kaderuna Parish, Kachomo Town Council in Budaka District.

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