Former Police Spokesperson Asan Kasingye lands role at SC Villa

Man Jose Kayima

SC Villa has made changes in their Executive ahead of the 2023/24 season.

The new changes were made on Wednesday afternoon at sixth street in Industrial Area.

“We started this journey two years ago to rebuild and bring back Villa to it’s glory and to make sure it stays there. Our first task was to concentrate and build a team with the support structures it needs to thrive. This came with numerous changes around the team administration, all with an aim of stabilizing the team.” Said the General Secretary Nziraguhunga Khasim.

Former Police FC chairman Asan Kasingye has been named as the SC Villa Spokesperson.

The former Police Spokesperson is an Ex-Com member at the record Uganda Premier league champions.

SC Villa legend Sam Mubiru will serve as the Vice President technical while Hajji Salim Ssemmanda has replaced Ben Misagga as the Vice President Mobilizations and Fans.

Journalist Sarah Adong will be in charge of Women’s Affairs.

The changes come at the time the club confirmed legends Ali Kayongo and Geoffrey Bukohore as the team manager and Coordinator respectively.

SC Villa administration

•President – Hajji Omar Mandela
•Senior Vice President- Bakaki Daniel in charge of Finance
•Vice President Mobilizations and Fans- Hajji Salim Ssemmanda
•Vice President Administration- Baker Mugaino
•Vice President Technical- Sam Mubiru
•Ex-Com Member- Counsel Isaac Walukagga incharge of Legal and Constitutional Affairs
•Ex-Com Member- Asan Kasingye- Sports Club Villa Spokesperson
•Ex-Com Member- Sarah Adong in charge of Women’s Affairs
•CEO- William Nkemba
•Secretary General- Nziraguhunga Khasim

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