
Kadaga a no show as former Speakers receive new cars

Man Jose Kayima

Former speaker of Parliament currently the first deputy prime minister in charge of East African Community and Kamuli Woman MP Rebecca Kadaga has not showed up at the function at Parliament to honor the previous speakers.

The function which has been graced by the speaker of Parliament Anita Among was to hand over brand new land cruisers to both the former speakers and deputies as per the parliamentary administrations act 2022.

Speaker Among said that the cars will be serviced and maintained by Parliament, drivers to the speakers will be paid by Parliament and every after five years Parliament will buy new cars to the speakers.

The pride of cars and other monitory benefits will be extended to both the families of the fallen speakers and deputy speakers and today those who manages to attend were the former speakers Edward Sekandi ,Al Hajji Moses Kigongo, Edrwad Rugumayo and Francis Butagira who received their cars in person and Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga who was absent.

Meanwhile one of the living Former speaker Francis Butagira who served as Speaker of Parliament of Uganda btn 1980-1985 thanked parliament for recognizing the past speakers when they are still alive.

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