

Man Jose Kayima

The dominoes keep falling and the latest evidence from the call matrix recovered by the Police pins Bishop David Kiganda, Pastor Bugingo and Pastor Sempa as co-conspirators of Pastor Ssenyonga against Pastor Kayanja.

Earlier, Police investigations revealed that Pastor Ssenyonga’s Personal Assistant, Aggrey Gershom Kenene aka Kuggu, was the one behind the shambolic sodomy case pinned on Pastor Robert Kayanja.

And now, a connection has been made by the Police linking Pastor Ssenyonga’s henchmen to Bishop Kiganda and Pastor Sempa.

According to the data collected by the Police, Pastor Martin Ssempa (0754769795) of Makerere Community Church exchanged phone conversations with two prominent Pastor Ssenyonga henchmen i.e. Mwanda Jamilu and Ojok Morris.

Martin Sempa (Photo/Courtesy)

Mwandha Jamilu is an alliance Chairman and another notorious henchman of Pastor Ssenyonga. Pastor Ssenyonga has also been known to use Ojok Morris’s number to communicate in various group chats on WhatsApp.

Bishop David Kiganda (0772516964), Founder and Senior Pastor of Christianity Focus Ministries and Managing Director of His Kingdom Broadcasting Services LTD has also been named in the treacherous plot, with the call matrix showing him having conversations with Ojok Morris and Mwandha Jamilu.

Bishop David Kiganda

Jamilu is on the spot for sharing communications between Bishop David Kiganda, Pastor Martin Ssempa and Pastor Kayanja’s unscrupulous accusers, Reagan Ssentongo, Khalifa Labeeb, and Adrian Ssebale.

According to the call matrix shared by D/ASP Bill Ndyamukahi of the Cyber Crime Department at CID Headquarters, Khalifa masked his communication by using 0705498120, a number registered under Kisakye Collin, Reagan Ssentongo used his brother’s Edirisa Bakka’s number (0756960255) and Adrian Ssebaale used a number registered under Jonathan Nkoyoyo (0708432412).

Ex-gay campaigner, Elisha Mukisa, who was part of the plot against Pastor Kayanja, also revealed that four pastors i.e. Bishop Kiganda, Pastor Bugingo, Pastor Ssempa, and Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga all communicated with him either directly or through their assistants intending to plot against Pastor Kayanja.

Mr Mukisa shared mobile money messages showing financial support towards the plot, as well as funds to cater to bloggers who were helping further the story through various online sites. Pastor Senyonga’s assistant, Aggrey Gershom Kanene and Walu were named conspirators in regularly contacting Elisha to find out the progress of the malicious plot against Pastor Kayanja.

Kanene was running a very elaborate scheme, which according to Police findings, involved over 20 numbers attached to associates of Christian Life Church Bwaise and top henchmen of Pastor Ssenyonga namely Ojok Morris, Adrian Ssebaale, Banura Jordan and Mwandha Jamilu, according to D/ASP Bill Ndyamukahi of the Cyber Crime Department at CID Headquarters.

Kanene, with the aid of Mwandha Jamilu, Jordan Banura and Ojok Morris ran a scheme of communications in two parts, the first batch of contact (852 calls) happening between 1st August 2021 and 15th September 2021 before the commission of the offence and the second round (734 calls) happening between 19th September 2021 and 30th September 2021.

The victims in this alleged blackmail move were Bayikyi Mapengo and David Mukulu who claimed that they had been sodomised by Pastor Kayanja. Mukisa revealed that they had hidden from him when he started speaking with law enforcement and he would later discover that they were being sheltered by Pastor Bugingo. Mapengo and Mukulu have since been caught on video at the Bwaise-based Christian Life Church.

Elisha Mukisa further pinned Pastor Aloysius Bugingo, Director of Salt Media Group of Companies, and Senior Pastor at the House of Prayer Ministries International, saying the “man of God” contacted him directly before sending money of up to UGX 2M with instructions to facilitate bloggers and spread the “gospel” online. Mukisa further exposed Pastor Sempa saying that the pastor reached out to him to “reform” him from his gay ways and provide evidence against Pastor Kayanja.

Lest we forget, Dr Sam Kalungi, a Mulago Hospital Pathologist confirmed that the men who claimed that Pastor Kayanja sexually abused them were medically examined and it was established that their claims were untrue.

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