
Susan Makula scoops big at the Women of Excellence Awards


Salt TV presenter Susan Makula Bugingo has won the Women of Excellence Awards from Cafe Javas for the International Women’s day.

Makula was nominated by Cafe Javas fans and won by popular vote as a woman of excellence and is to be awarded 5,000,000/=

She is a director at Girl Child Foundation Limited of House of the Prayer Ministries an organization that empowers girls from poor and less privileged families.

The organization also provides free training to girls in making reusable sanitary pads as well as providing physical, emotional and basic education to the young mothers.

Makula officially introduced his lover Pastor Aloysuis Bugingo of House of Prayer Ministries on 7th-December in a luxurious ceremony in Entebbe admist protests.

Bugingo is yet to be devorced by his legally married wife Pastor Teddy Naluswa.

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