Return date for NTV Press box revealed


Sports lovers around the country will not wait any longer for the return of one of the best sports shows on Ugandan TV

A few weeks ago, the brain child of the NTV Press box Andrew Kabura was woed by the money bags of NBS and he decided to join the Naguru based television.

Initially, NBS’ intention was to win over all the crew but many of them chose to stay put and work with the Serena based station despite a juicy payment promise.

The panel had veteran journalist Mark Ssali, Robert Madoi, Ismail Dhakaba Kigongo, Andrew Mwanguhya and Andrew Kabura.

This website understands that NBS failed to convince the whole band but managed to win over the brain child of the show.

It remains to be seen whether Kabura will carry along his naming rights or NTV will keep the name of the show as NTV Press box but one thing we are sure of, come this Monday, the show will be on.

Maaso ku lutimbe.

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