You’re better at squeezing our girls not football. Fans react to Cranes’ loss in Algiers


Uganda Cranes fans have attacked serbian tactician Milutin Sredojevic Micho for his tactics in the 2-0 defeat to Algeria in Algiers on Saturday evening.

It was a magnificent performance of class and control from the Algerians who dominated from first whistle to last to illustrate just how superior they are to Cranes.

The Cranes were on the back foot from the first whistle, penned in and carrying all the hallmarks of a lower league club hoping for the best against an elite side in the Uganda Cup.

It was painful viewing as Algeria strutted around imperiously, dominating possession and gratefully accepting the ball when Uganda presented it back to them, as they did with grim regularity.

The fans reacted bitterly to coach Micho and some put the blame on Miya for missing a penalty.

Farouk Miya missed a penalty (Photo Courtesy)

Lubowa Abubaker (Journalist at Daily Monitor and soccer fan)

“Looks like Farouq Miya has someone’s nudes at FUFA, he got his name on the starting lineup.” ahaaaa

Tumwesigye Abudiaby

“Bino byasobola naye akapiisi akuna” (This is what you can manage)

Philip Munaabi

“I remember when the late Zimwe of Zimwe Construction was asked why he was constructing poor roads his answer was simple _”The funds released for the road is 10Bn, as Zimwe we are given 800Mn for the same road, so we have to fix and give tax payers a road”_ Don’t be quick in blaming Micho bambi.$

Shamie Gift (Express FC fan)

Aba Vipers bebatukubya

Danito Nsubuga put the blame on Farouq Miya who missed a penalty

“Miya beerako omuntu omukulu” (Behave maturely)

Moses Lutuuga

“Miya alaba nnyo TV, Talina Mukulu (He watches TV a lot)

Nkajja Obadiah

Tetulina Mutendesi (We have no coach)

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