I threw my wedding ring in the toilet bwe swii, Faridah Nakazibwe


NTV s Faridah Nakazibwe the Luganda news anchor and Mwasuze Mutya show host has in the past been involved in some very turbulent relationships like any other person out there.

Faridah revealed that she has been in four relationships so far which included the first one that gave her two daughters and that of Haji Moses Kigongo.

Off all the four, there was one notable one though that we can say was the only official one because it’s what it actually was.

In the year 2018 Faridah tied the knot with a one Omar Ssali in a some what secretive function that took place in Dubai.

Like all her first three relationships, this one also unfortunately ended prematurely and she hinted on what happened between him and her ex husband Omar Ssali.

“I grew up wanting to have only one relationship to the end, so by the time I got into this fourth one, I badly wanted it to work”

“Because my partner realized how badly I wanted it to work, he took advantage of it and turned the relationship extremely toxic by being insecure”

I prayed to God to help me handle this situation because it was eating me up, it was so stressful but I can not reveal the details to you, it was too bad.

“He at one point told me that with just a click of a button on his phone he could kill the name I had worked for 10 years meaning this wasn’t my friend”

Asked what happened to her marriage ring, Faridah said that phase ended and went away with all its items.

“The ring went with its phase of the relationship, I dumped it in the toilet, actually they were two rings” said Nakazibwe on YouTube channel Extra digest Mugobansonga.

On the brighter side of things, Faridah is organizing THE GREATER MASAKA FETE this September on the 17th at Lugogo Cricket Oval and later on the 24th at the Masaka Recreation grounds. Tickets are already on sale.

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