
Nyege Nyege is going to enhance the spread of monkeypox, Pastor Matin Sempa

Bonita Nakalule

Last week there was a rave of mixed reactions all over social media when parliament through the speaker said they had banned the Nyege Nyege festival a decision that was latter overruled by the prime minister.

Now former Pornography control committee member Pastor Martin Sempa has come out to say he is very disappointed with prime minister Nabanja who gave Nyege Nyege a green light.

“It’s wrong, I am going to go and have a chat with the prime minister Nabanja, Nyege Nyege is a three day concert that is happening day and night which is characterized by sex, music, alcohol, drugs, nudity and endless partying.”

“The brain of a person is designed that after 8 hours it’s supposed to rest but if you stretch it for three days people are unable to behave properly.”

These are called sex raves in Europe. If you look at how monkeypox was spread, it was through these homosexuals and it was traced back to a single three day party in England.

“This is the exact theme that Nyege Nyege is organized on and follows. In Uganda we haven’t yet got the vaccine for monkeypox and it’s very expensive.”

Because of this monkeypox disease, they have had to shut down all these pride parties in most countries like England.

“Therefore Nyege Nyege is going to spread monkeypox and secondly its going to facilitate homosexual activities” concluded a furious Pastor Sempa on Kasuku live YouTube channel.

This is not the first time that Pastor Sempa is having a go at Nyege Nyege. In 2018, Ethics and Integrity minister the late father Lokodo tried to ban the festival based on Pastor Sempa’s research and recommendation as a member of the pornography Contol committee.

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