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Fresh Daddy gave me only Shs10k after raping me

Sofia Namutebi

Paul Mutabaazi aka Fresh Daddy has been accused of rape by a 17 year old teenager she had promised to help in recording her music videos.

“As an upcoming artist Sobby connected me to Fresh Daddy who promised to foot the bills of recording my videos but instead he took me to a lodge and raped me after watching blue movies”

“He later dropped me somewhere and gave me only ten thousand Uganda shillings I kept waiting for the two hundred thousand shillings he promised for the video all in vein.”

“The second time he called he sent me data of one thousand shillings that is the very day I knew that there was no future.”

The young girl wants Fresh Daddy to face the law so that many young girls may not become victims,

“I want the law to work on Fresh Daddy so that he may not use other young girls good enough I tested and he did not infect me with HIV and I am not pregnant.”

Fresh Daddy is the biological father of youngster Fresh Kid.

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