Police issues tough guidelines ahead of World Cup games

Man Jose Kayima

Ahead of the World’s biggest soccer tournament, the Ugandan Police has released tough guidelines to overcome terror attacks.

The Qatar World Cup will kick off on Sunday with hosts taking on Ecuador.

During the 2010 World Cup Final between Spain and Netherlands, twin bombings went off in Kampala targeting fans watching the game, leaving 76 people dead with Somalia’s Al-Shabaab militant group claiming the attack.

Police ahead of the guidelines

•Venues to draw security management plans in relations with the regional police.

•Ensure access controls at the venues, that the entry exist protocols are put in place.

•Sufficient staff numbers to cope with the anticipated numbers of customers.

•In case of trouble at the premises or outside the premise they need to call the police immediately.

•Checking all fire exists, fire risk assessment should be in place.

•Consider the use of plastic glass ware and also under 18 should not be given alcohol.

•Avoid crowding.

•Using illegal drugs are prohibited.

•Those with CCTV should make all operational, with all cameras recording and with operators.

•Noise should be kept at reasonable level, especially for the venues located at residential areas.

•Late night games, the venues should consider making taxis numbers available to assist in transporting the people back home.

•Should regularly ensure counter terrorism measures are reviewed and staff made aware of the signs to look out for, especially suicide bomber.

•Covid 19 and Ebola guidelines should be observed in all places.

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