USA Journalist denied entry in Stadium for wearing rainbow T-shirt

Man Jose Kayima

USA reporter Grant Wahl was refused entry to a World Cup stadium in Qatar for wearing a rainbow shirt.

Wahl was attending the USA’s first game of the World Cup against Wales on Monday and wore a black t-shirt with a circle in the colors of the rainbow wrapping around a soccer ball on the front, in support of the LGBTQ+ community.

“Just now, security guard refusing to let me into the stadium for USA Vs Wales. You have to change your shirt, it’s not allowed.”

“I’m OK, but that was an unnecessary ordeal. Am in the media center, still wearing my shirt. Was detained for nearly half an hour. Go gays.’
Posted Wahl.

Meanwhile, In Qatar, male homosexuality is punishable by a prison sentence and same-sex marriages are not recognized by the government.

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