
Video: Widow seeks justice after mysterious death of husband at Pastor Ssenyonga’s farm

Man Jose Kayima

One of Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga’s workers identified as Vincent Kato Segawa died under mysterious circumstances on the 10th of February this year.

Kato died at Pastor Ssenyonga’s farm located at Nakasongola.

The widow and family members of the deceased are seeking for justice.

The family is demanding an explanation but the Pastor on numerous occasions has tried to silence them with a token of two hundred thousand shillings an offer that angered them.

“I am appealing to the government from the president’s office to intervene because Pastor Ssenyonga is a rich man and the Police is on his side,” the widow Joan Natongo noted.


According to family members Pastor Ssenyonga offered to up the token to one million Uganda Shillings but they opted for justice over the improved token.

“All I want is justice no money can replace my husband. I am confused because I have kids to raise on my own and the only strength I need now is justice,” she added.

It is alleged that Kato had gone to the farm to demand for his arrears before he was brutally killed.

According to wife, Kato was forced into a shelter, tied up with ropes, and stabbed multiple times.

Kato aged 34 and a father of two was a casual labourer at the farm of Pastor Ssenyonga located in Nakasongola for some good time.

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