
Kabuleta questions police’s interest in solving murder cases of Indigenous Ugandans

Bonita Nakalule

The past few weeks have left the country in shock with signs of the ‘sky falling’ or in simpler terms things falling apart with prominent murders of Minister Charles Engola, blogger Isma Olaxes and Indian business man Uttam Bhandari Saramal.

Police have promised to get to the bottom of all these murders and bring the culprits to book. Coincidentally, the prime suspect in the murder of the Indian businessman a one Ivan Wabwire a policeman himself has already been arrested after being tracked and picked from Kenya while on the run.

It is also worth noting that within a few days, police had released the cctv footage of the murder of Mr Saramal after being pushed by the president to have the matter resolved.

It’s from this background that the National Economic Empowerment Dialogue party president Kabuleta questioned the police’s interest in properly investigating the murders of indigenous Ugandans like they did for the foreigners Indian!

‘We have seen so many indeginous Ugandans killed and the killers are not brought to book, police seems to be disinterested in the investigations but when an Indian was killed, the president came out and tasked police asking the very important questions.’

‘Because it was an Indian, police suddenly became like FBI or CIA, they tracked the suspect and got him 3km into Kenya because he killed an Indian, but if he had killed a Ugandan called Kabuleta or Nsereko or Odaka, they would not be interested.’

‘All the five people who where arrested for the murder of Kirumira were released by court because there was no evidence, police did not do any investigation. I saw the charge and caution sheet for the last person that was acquitted was all bogus.’

‘Because this was an Indian suddenly we have all the cctv footage, are they saying there was no cctv cameras at minister Charles Engola’s home? Where are the pictures from the minister’s home because we know he has cameras there.’

‘Are we saying that Ugandans are second class citizens in our Country? and then immediately the Indian was killed the deputy inspector general of police Katsigazi Tumusime met the Indian community in Uganda and assured them of security’

‘But people in Kyanja are scared because people are being killed there and no police has not gone there to assure them that they care about their security? People are indoors by 8 because they are scared.’

“What I am saying is that Black Lives Matter, it’s not only Indian lives that matter, also our lives matter so why is it that Indeginous Ugandans are killed and there are no investigation, the president just says pigs, pigs pigs, but for an Indian it’s not pigs, maybe for them it’s sheep.”

“I was amazed by how efficient the police can be when they want to be, in a matter of a few days they had even crossed into Kenya to get that man and then they are assuring the Indian Community, the Ugandan community also needs to be assured that our lives matter, our security matters, not only the security of only foreigners.” Concluded Kabuleta

He was addressing the press at his party’s weekly press conference held every Monday at the new party offices in Rubaga.

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