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Video: Eddie Mutwe surprises Bobi Wine makes English speech for the first time in 25 years

Man Jose Kayima

Head of Bobi Wine’s security Edward Ssebuufu alias Eddie Mutwe has left many surprised after making speech in English.

This was during the prayers that were held in Kirowoza in Masaka City in memory of Bobi Wine’s bodyguard Frank Ssenteza Kalibbala who lost his dear life in the 2021 General election campaigns.


Bobi Wine like many National Unity Platform members were surprised to hear Eddie Mutwe fluently make a speech in English.

“I have never heard Eddie Mutwe speak English for the over 25 years I have known him. Today he spoke powerfully at the memorial function of our fallen brother Frank Senteza in Masaka. I felt very proud seeing what those who they dismissed as hooligans are gradually turning into. So emotional and yet so powerful.” Bobi Wine wrote on his social media platforms

Eddie Mutwe’s Speech about the late Frank Senteza in full

“Today marks three years since comrade Frank Ssenteza was murdered by the military in Busega.

In my capacity as head of Presidential security, I remember Frank as a courageous person who, with his own life, protected President and his team throughout the brutality the regime unleashed on them during the campaigns.”

“For that bravery, Frank paid the highest possible price on 27 December 2020. But his sacrifice still fuels our commitment to justice and a better country where all of us can co-exist peacefully.”

“Frank’s memory reminds us that the fight for freedom is not without its costs. As we gather here today to honour our brother, let us also united behind the values that he fought so hard for: we must unite against oppression and injustice. We must resist dictatorship.”

“Even more importantly, we demand justice for him and other comrades who lost their lives to the regime before, during and after campaigns. Those responsible for his death must be held accountable. We insist on a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Frank’s death. We want justice for our brother!

“Frank might be gone, but the rest of us who remain alive must continue the struggle for a Uganda where every citizen can live without fear; a country where democracy triumphs over oppression.”

“Let Frank’s memory be a bright, shining light guiding us towards a future he believed in; a future worth fighting for. May we never forget the price he paid, and may his spirit inspire us to persist in our pursuit of a free and fair nation.”

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