
I belong to DP party not NRM, Tamale Mirundi

Nakibuule Bonita

Controversial former presidential press secretary Tamale Mirundi for a long time has been known to have been a member of the democratic party before he joined government to work as the presidential press secretary.

He served in the position for over a decade and for a man who still defends most of the government policies long after he lost his job, one would think that he belongs to the ruling party.

Explaining why several governments have in the past have taken DP members and given them ministerial jobs the latest being DP president Mao, Mirundi said he himself belongs to DP and that he has never been a member of NRM.

“I have the DP card, do I have the NRM card? Go ask the NRM people if I have there card, in fact if Mao had left the post vacant, I would have gone and taken over the presidency of the party.”

“All the likes of Nambooze, Muwanga Kivumbi all run away from the party, even a whole national chairman of DP Abed Bwanika joined another party NUP so they shouldn’t be bothered by what Mao did” said Mirundi in an interview on Kasuku live.

Let’s hope that the political analyst whose middle name is controversy won’t in the future deny ever being a registered member of the Democratic Party.

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