
WHO and World bank now bribing District medical officers to have children vaccinated, Joseph Kabuleta

Nalule Brenda

Former presidential candidate and National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) president Joseph Kabuleta has been at the forefront in the campaign to sensitize the population about the dangers COVID of vaccines.

Through his NEED movement, he managed to push the ministry of Health to put on hold the mass vaccination of students without the consent of their parents and everything looked to have calmed down until his recent revelation at the NEED weekly press conference.

“We have information from the ministry of health that the World health Organization and world bank are bypassing the Ministry and giving money direct to districts to vaccinate the 12-17 category.”

“Money has been coming from outside straight to the district medical officers to set up vaccination camps outside schools and manufacture consent to have children vaccinated.”

Kabuleta said this is very wrong because WHO doesn’t have jurisdiction with districts in Uganda because they have to deal with the government.

If they are bypassing the ministry of health then officially we do not have a government. They can not pay district medical officers because that’s not their business.

He also said this was only part of the problem because actually the vaccines that they plan to use are expiring in a week and nobody has told the parents about this fact.

He concluded the vaccination issue by stressing that international bodies like World health organization do not have jurisdiction to bypass National bodies since we are a souverign county.

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