
Like father like son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba labels journalists at Daily Monitor terrorists

Bonita Nalule

President Museveni has in the past promised to bankrupt “Daily Monitor” news paper for talking ‘falsehoods’ about him.

He has also labeled them a bad paper in the past for reasons mostly known to him alone. The president actually dragged the leading daily in the country to court for that Covid story they run titled ‘Miseveni inner circle’ got Covid jabs -US paper’ wrote the daily Monitor who where clearly quoting an American newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

Now in what is starting to look like some kind of ‘vendetta’ the first son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has also taken to his Twitter page to have a go at the same Daily Monitor which his dad dragged to court recently.

“Our government shall forgive the terrorists in Daily Monitor that have been been abusing us forever’ twitted Gen Muhoozi.

‘For some of those journalists that like to abuse us, let me say, Nobody will protect you when we come to power! You will feel us soon. We will crush you!!’ Concluded Muhoozi.

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