
Nubian Li ordered by court to vacate house


NUP Principal’s right hand man Nubian Li aka Buken Ali has been ordered by court to vacate his house in Kulambiro Kyanja immediately after a ruling in favor of the complainant Kayondo Rose.

Newly wedded Nubian Li bought the said plot of land and house in 2011 from a one Kayondo Moses. He later moved in to his new home with his young family.

Trouble emerged later on when the wife to Kayondo Moses a one Rose filed a case with court claiming that the husband had sold off their property without her consent and yet she contributed the biggest chunk of money when they acquired the land in 1998.

She accused the husband of having forged her signature in order to sell if the land and house to Nubian Li.

For years, Rose and Nubian had been facing of in court until court ruled in favour of Rose and instructed Nubian to vacate the house.

The ruling was made in 2011 but it was never respected by Nubian who continued to occupy the house and later even built a modern storied house which he now occupies.

This week court reaffirmed its ruling and told Mr Buken Ali to vacate the house and also compasate Rose Kayondo with 26 million.

When contacted on phone, Rose Kayondo said she was willing to meet with Nubian Li and they discuss a settlement now that he has built another house on the plot of land.

Speaking to Spark Tv, Nubian Li’s wife said she can’t comment on the issue when it hasn’t gotten to her yet but when it does, then she will be in position to talk about it.

What she acknowledged though was that the rumor of the eviction had just resurfaced after years and that it will once again disappear like the first time it was in the news with her and the family staying in the house.

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